Unveiling the Surprising Truth: High Interest Rates on Self-Managed Super Fund Loans

In recent times, there has been a startling revelation in the financial sector that has left many investors taken aback. Some major banks are charging interest rates above 10% on self-managed super fund (SMSF) loans. This has significant implications for those who have opted for such loans, as it could potentially mean paying much more […]

Buying off the plan

Buying off the plan comes with it’s risks, this week I take you through a recent client experience as they were looking at the pros and cons to signing their dream home off the plan…

What you need to know about credit cards

For a lot of people, a credit card is a normal, everyday part of life but what so many people don’t know (and what the banks don’t want you to know) is using your credit card can at times put you further and further behind financially, and, it could also be impacting your borrowing power! […]

Fixed Vs Variable

For the last… ok my whole banking career I have been watching interest rates go down (and down). Now there’s talk of the rates heading back up, well it’s more than talk, the Fixed rates have already started to go north since December 2021 and the most common thing I hear clients say is ‘I […]