Credit reporting, what you need to know…

Your credit file contains vital information for anyone looking to loan you money or, when it comes to mobile phones, offer you a long term contract. Early last year, a credit file would consist of all credit inquiries and any defaults you may have had against you as a result of failure to pay.

Do I need a Building and Pest Inspection?

I’ve had a lot of first home buyers asking if they really need to pay for a building and pest inspection, particularly when the home they’re buying is brand new.  In short, I have always recommended a building inspection (at the very least) and here’s why… 

How do I sign a contract of sale?

A Contract of Sale is typically not something you come across everyday. So knowing what to include and why can be tricky, so here’s some things you will want to include in your Contract of Sale as well as some tips to consider…

Should I Buy or Rent?

Owning your own home was once the ‘Aussie Dream’ but these days it can seem easier to rent. Especially if, you are already in the ‘rent cycle’ then getting your deposit saved to get your foot in the property market can be a challenge. Having said that, there has never been a better time to […]

How to choose the right property for you 

Your home is perhaps the biggest investment of your life – particularly as it is not just a financial investment, you are also investing in your future lifestyle. Yet many people have a tendency to “fall in love” with a particular property, and they forget to remain logical in their thinking. As a result, they […]

Monthly Living Expenses

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Is it time to hire a staff member?

Running a business is stressful enough, wearing so many different hats and trying to do everything can be nearly impossible. At some point you will most likely start to consider hiring a staff member and if that’s you, here’s some things to consider before you jump on

What is the ‘Total Cost of Credit’ for a Business Loan?

Before you borrow money for your Business, you need to ensure you are looking at the Total cost of credit (TCC) and not the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) otherwise your business loan may end up costing you more. There are a huge reasons for needing a business loan just some may be;

Is it time to grow your Investments?

Are you considering growing your wealth through property Investments? There’s no secret there’s money in bricks and mortar, in fact a lot of people have made a lot of money through investing in property but the question is, where do you start? The first place to start is to work out how much Equity you […]

New Year, New You… time to save some money

The beginning of a New year is a great time to look over your finances and see what ways you can save money. One way to save money and make your banking a lot simpler is to consolidate debts, but be warned, if you don’t do it property you may end up paying more rather […]