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Budgeting Tip - Visual Tracker

Budgeting Tip – Visual Tracker

I love that saying ‘if it was easy, everyone would do it’ because it’s true with whatever you put your mind to, and Budgeting is no different.

One of the best motivators I personally find is to have a visual tracker. It serves so many purposes and these include;

It’s a constant reminder of your goal. Keeping a visual tracker, close by, will give you a daily reminder of what you are trying to achieve.

It keeps you motivated, having the tracker up to date shows you at a glace, how you are travelling towards your goal.

It can also show you if you need to refocus or change your plan if you are not on track to reach your goal.

And finally, It’s fun, it can be fun to colour in your tracker and exciting to update it as you go, especially if you are doing it with kids.

I have some free Trackers for you to download and start using today

Need more help with your Budget?

The Money Magnet course is only open for one week, and it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee so to make sure you secure your spot put your name on the waiting list here – https://mailchi.mp/07f9a1de3276/the-money-magnet