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No. 1 Budgeting Tip for 2021

No. 1 Budgeting Tip for 2021

I know budgeting it typically the last thing on everyone’s ‘to do’ list. It’s down there with getting a Will and comparing your Super (both extremely important things) but the truth is, you will never have the time to do the things you really didn’t want to do in the first place.

If this sounds like you, but you really want to take control of your finances then I have this one tip for you, this one tip that if you did this alone, would get you so far in front…. Tracking!

I know it sounds so basic, keep a track on what money you have coming in and what money goes out but it honestly is one of the easiest ways to get into Budgeting.

Tracking also comes with added benefits which include:


You may find when you start tracking your spending you start to second guess your purchases which is never a bad thing.

Increased savings

It’s no secret that focus gets results, so while you are focusing on the income coming in and your expenses going out you might start to see some left over funds you can start to put into your savings account.


Once you start to track your money, and start making the unconscious changes, you will find yourself enjoying looking forward to updating your tracker as you watch your results increase.

To get your free tracker head to https://mailchi.mp/1a648d3ce404/tracker