Cash back offers..

There is a really competitive market at the moment and a lot of banks and lenders are offering cash back, for you to leave your current bank to go and refinance with them. At the moment, the cash bank offers range from 2000 up to 3000 dollars. And I really wanted to talk about why […]
‘Your credit file’ Myth Busted

Let’s talk about a common myth, and this came from some questions raised at a training I did with some young adults who are looking to get their first home. This common myth is that “I need to have a credit rating before I can apply for my home loan”. A lot of young young […]
Can you buy your first home with a $2000 deposit?

I have seen a lot of advertising saying if you are a First Home Buyer, you can get into the property market with just $2000 (and the use of your First Home Owners Grant. I get a lot of questions around how it works or what the pros and cons are. So I Thought I’d […]
Kids and Budgets

I wish I learnt the importance of a Budget in school. Budgeting is something I have had to teach myself and learn through trial and error since becoming an adult, meanwhile, I have not had to find the square root of pie once! Based on this I am mindful when it comes to my kids […]
No. 1 Budgeting Tip for 2021

I know budgeting it typically the last thing on everyone’s ‘to do’ list. It’s down there with getting a Will and comparing your Super (both extremely important things) but the truth is, you will never have the time to do the things you really didn’t want to do in the first place. If this sounds […]
Budgeting Tip – Visual Tracker

I love that saying ‘if it was easy, everyone would do it’ because it’s true with whatever you put your mind to, and Budgeting is no different. One of the best motivators I personally find is to have a visual tracker. It serves so many purposes and these include;
Do I Need A Budget?

I know what you’re thinking… Isn’t setting up a Budget a whole heap of effort? Do I really need to do that? And the short answer is HELL YES! I am a self proclaimed finance nerd so naturally I would say ‘everyone should have a budget in place’ but here’s why, if you don’t have […]
3 Tips To Save Money This Christmas

I don’t know about you but I love this time of year! Sure the Christmas carols playing on repeat can get old and finding a car park at the shops is almost impossible but the gift giving, binge eating and time with family make up for all any negative. There is one major part of […]
The $25,000.00 HomeBuilder grant and your Deposit

The $25,000.00 homebuilder grant was a post Covid grant founded by the Australian Government to help stimulate the property market, specifically the building industry and therefore the economy.
Superannuation withdrawals due to Covid 19

What many of these clients don’t realise until they meet with me is what impact this can have on their borrowing because Banks and Lenders view clients who access their Superannuation in a different way to, here’s what you need to know